Britney Gomez has been exceptional at Flushing going into winter-break, notably for her cooperation, leadership, community involvement/service, consideration towards others, her outstanding attitude, grades, overall achievement and excellent attendance.
Britney has been a true asset within the AIM office. Britney could be considered the office manager/helper. She has cleaned, organized, and prepared a lot of the office supplies. Britney is always available to assist staff or students with a need at a moments notice. While Britney regularly completes various tasks, she is always very pleasant and has a positive attitude toward staff and students. We truly appreciate Britney's contribution to the program.
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite TV Show or Movie: Remember
Favorite Book: It's Kind of a Funny Story By Ned Vasine
Favorite Athlete or team: Not a fan
Favorite Artist: BTS
Future Career Plans: Therapist
Role Model: Tony Lum
Favorite Hobby: Learning a new language